martes, 15 de enero de 2013

60 Seconds: Britisg frozen dinners

It is time to start with the works of 60 seconds American Science. This time we are going to work with a post of nutrition and meals. You have to visit the following link:

60 SECONDS AMERICAN SCIENCE.- British frozen dinners

and answer the following questions:
1.- What is the listening about?
2.- What does "diet-related diseases" mean?
3.- What do you think that the sentence: "Although the scope of this study is limited, it certainly suggests that TV chefs—in England at least—need to, bam!, kick the nutrition up a notch" means?
4.- Do you think that in Spain the research would have showed the same results? Why?

The death line for sending the document is on 25th January. YOu have to send it to 

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